Sunday, March 3, 2013

My quiet crisp clean Sunday morning..

Here I sit drinking my coffee... hanging out with my cat.  Spot's looking intently at a bird that just landed on the deck. I know what he is thinking...."  that bird looks pretty tasty. I would go outside and run after it if it weren't so dang cold!"  Our winters here in Tennessee are becoming stranger by the year. I feel as if winter is struggling to finally arrive just a smidgen too late. Just like an annoying neighbor... it arrives when it's unwanted. It's March and I am aching for some sunshine and life!

I woke up far too early on my one day to sleep in but that is quite alright. I kind of enjoy it. The house is so quiet and I get some time to accomplish the things I have wanted to accomplish all week that I have just been too tired after work (and too sick to think about) to do. These quiet moments are super nice! I get to do what I do best. Think and reflect.  2013 has been so wonderful for us so far.  We have traveled coast to coast both by ourselves and with the kids. Momentum has kicked into high gear for the wedding and  I've been rejuvenated in so many ways.

Birthday season is among us. One down and two to go. I have a teenager now and that's pretty exciting! Now comes the special times in life that shape the people we become. The impressionable years....

Oh! An update from my last post... I wasn't as successful as I had hoped.... with acts of kindness every day. The end result ended with me trying to collect smiles so to speak. I made it a goal to see people smile by something I said or did.  I have been successful so far! I simply don't have the resources to do individual acts every day.. I can't pay for other people's meals as a surprise... I have so much on my plate that getting my own tasks accomplished are more challenge than a reality so I have been very content with collecting random smiles. It's really quite easy.  Even the most sour person that comes in contact with me... I try. I speak to them even though most people may be turned away and shut off by their nastiness and it works! A stranger once told me "Don't let anyone take away your smile."  It really is my most influential asset.

Have a great Sunday morning everyone!!

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