Saturday, December 6, 2014

'Tis the Season!

It is officially the holiday season in 2014.

This family has started our yearly traditions. Within those traditions are hidden hope and heart. These children are growing. These traditions keep them children during this season. I hope they will be 25 and helping us pick out our tree for home. My hopes are high, I know. But I want that movie family. That all come home at Christmas. I know that if they do, they will insist on their traditions. Tree, gingerbread house, lights on the river and the hotel, the pickle, pajamas and hot chocolate, movies on the couch... and family love. 

With family being the center of December... it is also a time I find myself reflecting on the year. It's the end of a year. 2014. Wow. In 2013 we were married... in 2014 we welcomed a vibrant, soulful spirit named Ashton who has shaken up all our lives. He's a perfect blend of his daddy and me and a complete mix of all his brothers and sister. I can see and feel bits and pieces of all of us in him. What a blessing, what an addition to this already amazing family.  It is his first Christmas. He is too young to know and understand the magic of the holiday season but he can feel it.

He knows there is something unique brewing at this time of year. He sees the tree, he sees the lights but he has yet to witness the magic of Christmas. It's coming little one... it's coming!

Looking back at this year.. I miss those who are not around. They have gone through so much and it pains me to not be there. 

Such a busy time of year but we always had our coffee.. and we always had our lights. I hope... I will always have you! I scared you in 2008 ... you scared me in 2014. Difference is, I wasn't there. Our blood, our hearts... they won't work against us because we have strength and love and so many wonderful people around us. I just wish I had been there for you like you were for me. I hope this scare stays in 2014!

This world is in a turmoil. We are fighting amongst eachother. We are a target from others abroad. We need to move forward... in peace and solidarity. UNITED we stand. Divided we fall. I haven't spoken much about the recent events in this country. I don't feel it's my place. I wasn't there. For those not involved in the police community they don't know the details... they don't know the training, they don't know the quick decisions needed. There are police in areas that have to make the life or death decision every day. That is not their fault. The answer to "if i don't do this will i come home to my wife and children tonight..." shouldn't ever have to cross an average person's mind on a daily basis. There are bad people in every profession. There are doctors who are off their game and misdiagnose and result in people dying. They aren't labeled racist murderers. I've seen pictures of signs that say "For each cop killed the world is a better place." Really? This hurts the core of my being. This isn't race. Someone driving by my house, sees the patrol car in the driveway... they don't know my husband is not white. They don't know my husband has an amazing family, they don't know that he would fight to save them if they were in need. Yet, that patrol car.... labels him as a murderer. Wow, the world could never be so wrong. 2014. STOP with the labels. Black, White. Cop. Criminal. We are AMERICANS... and people in other countries want us dead because of that.  It's been very hard to keep a positive forefront the last half of this year. We will get through this. We will prevail. United!