Maybe it's the Virgo in me having to have everything the same as it was before. Maybe it's my routine nature or maybe it's the mom in me... wanting to share these same moments as always with my children. They are small routines but when it comes to holidays, they are big memories.
Easter to me.... is about love. It's about pure love. It's about the blossom of life... It's looking at the beauty of the breeze and feeling the grace of the sunrise.
It's about children. They are what spring is all about. The birth of life... they are the flowers of our kind. They are pure. They are beautiful ... just like a rose, an ocean wave and an old oak tree.
It's about coming out of hibernation... being active and moving your lifesource again!
I've pretty much threatened the man in my life with frowny faces if he did not color eggs with us since well, frankly, it's the first time that his job has allowed it. We may just be boiling eggs and putting colors on it but to me it is so much more. It's a tradition that has held for us for 13 years.. not missing a beat. Right up there with the Gingerbread house at Chritmas and carving pumpkins at Halloween ... stuffed animals on Valentine's Day, saying I love you every day and kisses goodnight.
Yep... I'm a woman of tradition. It grounds me. It keeps my children, children. It strengthens our family's memories and comforts my soul. They are only children for such a small portion of our lives.