Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Well, hellooooooo sunshine!

Oh, I see something familiar in the distance.  It's full of light and warmth. My good old friend Positivity is back!

Even though I still have pain in my back and my tooth, even though maternity leave has left us broke as a joke, and I'm still crying at the drop of a hat sifting through emotions.

The sunshine has come back around!

Spring has barely shown it's face and summer is banging on the door. 

I'm excited for the May activities. I am so thankful the cards are working in my favor to be able to be present for the first time in much of the school-year ending festivities. Then, it's back to work... back to our new sense of normalcy. 

Hello Sunshine!

(also, I'm going to be starting a new writing project. I really need to get my mind active.. so stay tuned!)

1 comment:


    This is a fantastic book for getting your mind going and writing! :)
