As many schools have let out or are just about to be let out for summer vacation I have been thinking back at what it was like for me on that last day of school. I looked back on the year and knew those memories would be with me forever. The events of the school year that involved both my friends and my teachers. Here I am, now 34 and most of those years are now foggy. I don't remember those events in school that seemed so very important when I was young. It was life as I knew it. Future me was a million years away and I lived in the moment. Here I sit at 34 and those days in school are a fog. I don't remember every detail I thought I would. I thought those events and reactions then were so monumental that for SURE they would never be lost on me. But, they were. Yah, I can remember vague instances of hanging out with my friends.. or conversations with particular inspirational teachers. I wish I kept my diaries. What I did keep were my yearbooks. I have them all at nearly every grade. I have the pictures and I have the words that were written. I read all the signatures and what seemed to be mini-stories that my friends put in my books. It brought a huge smile to my face... and memories of each person came back. I wonder how they are... if they remember me. If they do remember me, I wonder if they recall the same events I do or if their brains have fogged that out. Our yearbooks were a big deal to us so when I looked at my oldest son's yearbook I thought how boring! Yes, they are all color and have a bunch of neat information in them but the personal detail of friend's signatures really lacked. There was no art to it, no silly sayings, no real personal detail... just kids' names... and of course since they don't teach cursive any more they were just printed names at that. No individuality! So, I decided to share little snippets out of mine. Names are covered to protect the innocent.

My daughter and I are really more alike than she realizes. This is exactly what her friends say about her. Apparently we were both goofy weird and crazy happy. We both look for the best in people and stand by our friends. Two peas in a pod.
I can remember when knowing someone for three whole years felt like we knew their soul. We felt like we knew them in and out for our entire lives and for sure meant we wouldn't ever lose touch. I don't even remember what this boy looks like (I didnt look back at his picture.) 3 years in 6th grade is in fact eternity.
Yah, does that say Molly? lol. oh and EVERYTHING sounds perverted in 7th grade.
She gets it!! I was Holly to most people.. most people didn't get to really know me. I had just a handful of good friends who would have any real reason to know the real spelling of my name.
I don't remember my friends being this boy crazy and I most certainly don't remember "getting the guys" LOL This is funny!
I really didn't need to block out her name. But see what I mean about writing something to remember!
see, sweet memories!
That's like a sister ... and stay the way you are. Again, my friends were sweet!!
and then... there's some friends that are just silly. I couldn't believe I didn't remember this... and then, the boyfriend at the time saw it and wrote on it as if the other boy could see it. I mustached it out.. it wasn't nice. I didn't think... in 9th grade the word sexy was written in my yearbook. I thought we weren't as vulgar as kids these days... but goes to show ya what we think our generation was like vs what it was really like. And I moved that summer... so there was no flirtin' with the flag girl.
:) Holly-wog even my nicknames are mispelled!
Yes!!! the traditional yearbook sayings! My kids had no idea there was such a tradition. All they do now is "I signed your crack" and they think it is original!
Wouldn't have survived! :) See, I'm vital to society's existence!
I wouldn't let him copy my math. I was so mean. Or was I too nice and let him? I don't remember!!
... and finally... from the Honors English teacher who called me Sunshine. She got my name right. Teachers always did. I thought it was amazing that I could have impacted an adult as much as they influenced me. I wonder if I still have that "big brown eyed expression" when I talk. I certainly hope I am still delightful, warm and sensitive.
Overall, I still feel we haven't changed much... even when I joke about starting new. At the core we are still the same. Reading these made me smile. I hope my children will remember to not take for granted a handwritten note to their friends... they won't be able to go back when they are in their 30's and look at their facebook walls or their friends walls or pictures or updates. Maybe they will but it will be so cluttered and vast. I urge them at the end of each year to write a personalized note in their friend's yearbooks.. it truly is a gift down the road. Thank you friends of the past!
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