University. Utah. Unique. I see why my son chose it to further himself with education and life. It's beautiful. It's Uncanny. It's open and serene. It will be a great place for the exploration of all things BMF. I'm so very thankful that I had this trip with him. The two of us against the world one more time.
Started early morning... said goodbye to home. He knows where he is ALWAYS welcome.
3 days of traveling. We made it with plenty of time to spare.. wait, no, we went straight to moving him in!
MOUNTAINS!! I remember when this was a daily landscape for me.
Somewhere, Wyoming
Dorms, basketball, football, SLC and mountains!
When there is In N Out, we must have it.First roommates
Beautiful backdrop
And then I flew home.... alone. One kid less. I miss him. But my boy knows me and he certainly knows how to fill the void of part of my heart being across country. He is U-mazing!