Let's stop to take a good look at ourselves.
We are more than our shapes and sizes. We are more than our beauty or brains. We weave through our daily lives barely touching on our real worth. What sparks you? What do you fear? What warms your heart? What connections are barely hanging on by the thread that has made them? When you turn off the lights of illusion and you look into that mirror... what do you really see?
I have always been so moved by the coming season. The chill in the day seems to chip away at that outer layer that summer artificially cloaked over us. Our supernatural faces over the fire in the night air allowing us to once again sense our own personal vulnerabilities. As we continue on with our pumpkin flavor-filled days, let's think about ourselves. Let's think about how we can dig deep in our inner shadows and allow them to walk along our side as the leaves fall. Counting each leaf of blessings that we encounter.
We can do better. We can love stronger. And we can certainly feel deeper.