Thursday, January 1, 2015

So fresh and So clean

New! Fresh start. Clean slate. These are terms to describe how we feel with the new year. As the start of a new January approaches, hope and motivation enters. There is something magical in the air in the days after Christmas. As the current year washes away, the new one props it's feet in a running position at the starting line. The clock strikes midnight on January 1st and the shot is fired in the air and away it goes. Possibilities are in reach. The future in our grasp. We are rejuvenated with goals and wishes for ourselves and our families. Hopes and worries alike for the world as a whole. 2015. Welcome!

So, my hopes for the New Year is that 2015 will be the year that...

I can set the wheels in motion for us to not live so tightly. Financially and in physical space.

I will get back the healthy and confident glow in my physical self.

I will finally go on my historic tour of Nashville.

I will learn to do one thing for myself each week. Be it a treat or a new project.

I will plan and get the family out on a monthly adventure.

Will be the year the garage gets completely organized and used for the good space it is.

and finally, my hope that 2015 will be a year we can look back at all the many ways we have lived life to the most!

2014 was about change.... 2015 is going to be about using that change to our advantage. We are a family unit of 6... this isn't new anymore.... time to put that Party of 6 to use! Unraveling what this world has to offer us all.

Happy 2015 to everyone!